Embark on a Rock Climbing Adventure at Rumney Rocks, New Hampshire!

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Hey Rhode Island climbers! Ready for an epic adventure? Let’s dive into the details of conquering Rumney Rocks in New Hampshire with your friends.

We’ve got your transportation covered – a spacious 15-passenger van rental from Greenvans in Providence that’s perfect for your crew. Let’s break down the steps to plan an awesome group trip that you’ll remember for ages.

Exploring Rumney Rocks, New Hampshire

Just a short drive from Providence, Rumney Rocks is a prime spot for rock climbing in the Northeast. Imagine over 1,000 sport climbing routes across various crags, catering to all skill levels. And don’t forget the stunning backdrop of the White Mountains. Let’s dig into why Rumney Rocks should be on your climbing radar.

Conquering the Crags

Rumney Rocks is a playground of different crags, each with its own vibe:

Main Cliff: The big one. Known for its steep, challenging routes like “Flying Hawaiian” (5.11b) and “Predator” (5.13b).

The Meadows: Perfect for those getting into the game, with moderate routes and awesome views. Try “Asylum” (5.9) or step up to “Hippos on Parade” (5.10a).

Waimea: Adrenaline junkies, this is your playground. Tackle routes like “Waimea” (5.10d) and “Jaws II” (5.15a) if you dare.

Taking in the Scenery

Rumney Rocks isn’t just about climbing – the scenery is a knockout. Nestled by the White Mountains, you’ll have a lush forest and rugged cliffs to set the scene. The Baker River adds an extra touch of serenity as you take on the cliffs. Pause for a moment to soak in the sweeping mountain views.

Side view of two Ford Medium Roof Transit 15 passenger rental vans at night.

The Climbing Community

Beyond the rocks, Rumney Rocks has a friendly climbing community. Whether you’re new or a regular, you’ll find fellow climbers ready to chat routes, suggest paths, and celebrate your victories. The camaraderie here adds to the whole experience.

Beyond the Crag

When you’re not hanging off cliffs, there’s plenty to do. Rumney town offers cute shops and cozy cafes. Need a place to crash? Check out Rattlesnake Mountain Campground. And if you’re up for more adventure, hit the trails, take a dip in Baker River, or explore Polar Caves Park.

Why a 15 Passenger Van Rental Rocks

Here’s the deal: a 15 passenger van is your ride to a smooth adventure. Here’s why:

Crew On Board: Fit your whole gang comfortably and make memories together.

Space for All: Adjustable seating means room for passengers and your gear, ensuring a comfy ride.

Eco-Friendly: Sharing one ride cuts fuel costs and is better for the planet.

Road Bonding: The van becomes your hangout, where stories flow and the excitement builds for the climbing ahead.

Check out rates and rent a 15 passenger van from Greenvans in Providence here!

Prepping for the Journey

Before you hit the road, get the lowdown on Rumney’s climbing routes. Pack the essentials: harnesses, helmets, shoes, ropes. First aid kit, camping gear, plus food and water are essentials.

Embrace the Climb

As your 15 passenger van cruises towards Rumney Rocks, the anticipation builds.

The challenges, the drive through New England, and the laughs with your friends set the tone for the adventure.

Rumney Rocks Awaits

At Rumney Rocks, an array of climbing routes beckons. From tricky overhangs to precision-focused routes, there’s a challenge for everyone.

Memories on the Rocks

One of my best memories is from a climbing trip with friends. Departing from Providence in our trusty 15 passenger van, we chatted about the routes ahead. The journey made the whole trip unforgettable. Conquering the routes, cheering each other – it was an experience of unity and accomplishment.

Capture the Adventure

Snap photos and videos as you climb, capturing the moments against the stunning backdrop.

Reliving the Adventure

As night falls, gather around the campfire to relive the day’s highs and lows. Shared stories strengthen friendships and create lasting memories.

Share the Adventure

Back in Providence, keep the adventure alive. Share your stories and photos, inspiring others to take the plunge into their own climbing escapades.

Time to Climb!

Gather your friends, secure that 15 passenger van rental, and get ready for an epic rock climbing adventure at Rumney Rocks, New Hampshire.

With careful planning and tons of excitement, your trip will be one for the books. Gear up, round up your friends, and get ready for an unforgettable journey!

Interior view of Ford 15 Passenger Medium Roof Transit Rental Van with all four rows installed


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